Anxiety/Depression/Stress.  These are general headings and can vary for each person, some may start small and gradually grow to become a major issue in your life.  I can help you discover why you feel this way and help you find ways to overcome them.  You can start to feel much better, in just a short time, gaining more control over your own feelings can be an enlightening experience.

Stop Smoking.  You can stop smoking and I will help you.  Hypnotherapy has a proven success rate to help you stop smoking and eliminate cravings. When it comes to stopping smoking, it is important you know why you want to quit and are sure you are making the decision for yourself. Trying to quit when you’re not ready, or for reasons other than your own, can often lead to relapse and feeling like a failure. If you decide you want to quit and are committed to the decision, it’s more likely you’ll succeed.  I will help you develop the required mindset which will help you lead a more healthier lifestyle and make smoking a thing of the past.

Weight Management. 

In today's world its easy to put on weight but you may find it harder to reduce weight.  What causes weight gain? How you can get focussed on losing the weight ?  Over eating and emotional eating can be big factors.  I can help you focus your mind into making better choices in your life to reduce weight easily.  I am offering a six week program covering things like:

Where are you now?  Where do you want to be? What is your relationship with food like? Your metabolism can we make it work better for you? What are your Cravings and habits that contribute to your weight management? Your thoughts, feelings and emotions, how do they affect your weight management?  Improving your Self esteem and Self confidence, Challenging your beliefs and values for best effect, how we can improve your fitness and health?  Simple tasks that can have an immediate effect.

This is an intense program with support throughout if your interested and ready for change contact me for a FREE consultation Today!

Chronic Pain Management.  

Chronic pain is continuous, long-term pain of more than 12 weeks or after the time that healing would have expected to be complete after injury or surgery. Chronic pain may serve no apparent physical purpose and can be in brief, intermittent periods or continuous. It’s sometimes useful to focus treatment on a number of wider aspects such as general health and fitness, physical and mental activities and issues such as anger, self-esteem and relationships for example.  Chronic pain is felt as the body sends signals to the mind that a problem exists, sometimes these signals can relay a pain signal when it is unnecessary and I can help you reduce or eliminate any unnecessary pain and help you discover a method of controlling your own pain management.  Consult your Doctor, Medications and painkillers can also form part of your chronic pain management plan. Your doctor should always advise this. Painkillers can be effective, however it is important to use them safely as they can have side effects.  Hypnotherapy looks at the link between your mind and body but cannot overcome some physical aspects of your body. 

Fears, Phobias and Habits.  These learnt feelings can become a nuisance in your life and grow to make your life limiting.  I can help you overcome these usually in just one session a fear can be overcome.

Trauma and PTSD.  I now have a six sessions programme to heal Trauma and PTSD, this tried and testing program has great success in healing Trauma and PTSD.  This will have back up recordings to listen to in between sessions and give you the information you need to discover the healing from Trauma and PTSD. 

Proud to announce I am now an accredited CATCH Therapist.

CATCH (Crisis and Trauma Clinical Hypnotherapy) is a movement, connecting those struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with qualified and experienced hypnotherapists worldwide.

PTSD is not a life sentence! It is a subconscious injury which requires a subconscious therapy!

Improving Self Confidence and Self Esteem to grow to your true potential